2025 Membership Renewal
Follow the three steps below, and keep in mind that your registration form and payment must both be received by February 5, 2025 to ensure your plot in the Gardens for the upcoming season.
With over 100 people on the waitlist, consideration of your ability to meet all obligations of Membership in GfC and your prompt attention to renewal is appreciated.
Happy gardening!
- The Board of Directors
Registration Is Now Open!
Complete and submit the Member Renewal Form. Just click the button below. Before you do that, however, here are two things to keep in mind:
There is only one Member per household, but you may share your plot with up to two other persons who also live in Charlestown. If you intend to share your plot with anyone else--whether it's someone else in your household or someone who lives elsewhere in Charlestown--please provide the names and email addresses of those persons on your renewal form, and they will receive an email with a link to complete a separate registration form specifically for Plot Sharers. The Member will be responsible for paying the annual fee, be the primary point of contact for the plot, and have the ultimate responsibility for making sure the Membership and Garden Use Guidelines are followed. Both Members and Plot Sharers, however, will receive communications from the Gardens during the upcoming season.
If, for any reason, you want switch plots this coming season, please indicate that on the form as well. We cannot predict at this point how many plots will open up or which ones will be available, but once we do know, we'll get in touch with you, and let you know what is available before assigning plots to new Members.
If you're renewing your membership only, the fee is $100.*
*For anyone who has indicated that they would like to apply for financial assistance, please await making payment. You will receive an email with further information shortly. -
If you're reserving a greenhouse spot for the months of April and May, the additional fee is $50.
Pay the Annual Fee.
You may pay by credit card or PayPal by following the instructions below.
(If you prefer to pay by check, make your check payable to the order of "Gardens for Charlestown, Inc." and mail to PO Box 290044 no later than February 5, 2025.)
From the drop-down list below, select one-at-a-time the items you want to pay for by credit card or PayPal. Pressing "add to cart" will open your shopping cart in a separate window. If you are only renewing membership, you can proceed directly to checkout. If you also want to reserve greenhouse space, return to this page and also add the Greenhouse Fee to your car.
(Please note that, in order to read the complete description of each item in your cart, you need to click on the "more" link below the words "GfC Renewal 2025.")

Read the Membership and Garden Use Guidelines, which you can access by clicking the button below. Your renewal requires certification that you have read and agree to abide by all the Guidelines.